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Our story

Kainor - at your service!

Kainor's foundation was created in 2018, when Kai Kortelainen started producing 3D prints under the name DataNorppa. In the initial phase, especially 3D-printed lithophane pictures and various custom work, such as spare parts, formed the basis of the operation. In the summer of 2019, operations expanded to laser cutting of plywood products, and as a result, the company's customer base began to expand. At the beginning of 2021, the company's form changed from a trade name to a limited company, and in early 2022, the auxiliary company name Kainor was introduced.

Kainor's key principles are based on first-class customer service and quality, as well as ecology and domesticity. Kainor's products represent 100% Finnish work and the products have the Avainlippu-badge of the Association for Finnish Work.

Kai is an information technology engineer and a craftsman, and in Kainor's product and service offering, Kai combines both his strong knowledge of information technology and his craftsmanship. Kainor's strength is in his design and manufacturing expertise, which means that the customer can get personalized solutions made from start to finish all under the same roof.

Kainor's plywood products are made exclusively from high-quality domestic birch plywood (Koskisen vaneri). Examples of plywood products include e.g. handicraft accessories that have gained great popularity and various custom work for companies and private customers. Whether it's business gifts for company celebrations, labeling of work tools, logo signs or table numbers, guest books or cake decorations for a party, Kainor takes care of the work from design to finished product.

Kainor wants to constantly develop its work and its product and service selection. For example, in the case of the adjustable sock blocks, Kai developed the fastening mechanism of the product in such a way that PRH has granted utility model protection for the fastening method of the toe part of the product.

In its 3D printed products, Kainor mainly uses bio-based and biodegradable PLA plastic. Other products are made from e.g leather paper, which is made from cellulose and latex. Kainor is also committed to the Greenreality-partnership of the city of Lappeenranta, striving for energy-, material- and resource-efficient operations and reducing the environmental load.

The company's equipment selection consists of four CO2 laser cutters and a fiber laser, five FDM 3D printers and one SLA printer. This selection enables versatile cutting, engraving and marking of various materials.

When you want a reliable partner and individual solutions tailored to your needs, feel free to contact us or come for a visit!

Kai Kortelainen
045 7877 8644

Olli Muukkonen
045 783 46299

DataNorppa Oy

Poronkatu 1
53850 Lappeenranta
Business ID: 3181742-7

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